Latest release
music, lyrics, and arrangement: Sam Spector
produced by: Cirrus Levine
recorded at: my living room :)
mixed and mastered by: Cirrus Levine
Sam Spector on guitar, bass, vocals
Patrick Chavez on drums
arrangement: Sam Spector
produced by: Cirrus Levine
recorded at: my living room :)
mixed and mastered by: Cirrus Levine
promotional photography: Izzy Paquette
Sam Spector on guitar, bass, vocals, and drums
Inky Fingers, Swollen Hearts
Inky Fingers, Swollen Hearts is my anti-love letter.
when i first wrote the songs, they hit so close to home that i could scarcely play through them without breaking down. my mission in recording them was to retain that same rawness and authenticity, even at the expense of “perfection.” to do anything else would be to lie.
so, without further ado, i invite you to view a fragment of my mind and of my heart. thank you for sharing this with me, and for your support.
sam spector
music, lyrics, and arrangement: Sam Spector
produced by: Sam Spector
recorded at: Dreaded Viking Studios
mixed and mastered by: Sam Spector and Kevin Katich
Sam Spector on guitar, bass, vocals, and percussion
Riley Lenz on guitar
Kevin Katich on drums
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